Booking Inquiry

The Booking Process:

Step 1: Initial Consultation and Custom Quote

Use the custom quote calculator on this page to estimate the cost of your shoot before submitting a booking inquiry. Once your inquiry is submitted, we’ll connect to discuss the vision and details of your project, including the number of images, usage rights, shoot location, and any additional services. If production support is needed—such as sourcing locations, coordinating models, or managing a team of professionals (e.g., makeup artists, stylists, etc.)—it can be included in your custom quote. This process ensures a tailored proposal that aligns with your budget and objectives.

Step 2: Planning and Coordination

Once we have a clear concept, we’ll move into planning the logistics. This includes selecting the best locations, setting up the shot list, and coordinating the team. If needed, we’ll provide a call sheet outlining the schedule, locations, and any specific instructions for everyone involved.

Step 3: Photoshoot Execution

On the day of the shoot, our goal is to create a collaborative and comfortable environment. We’ll ensure that everything runs smoothly, providing direction and feedback as needed to capture your vision perfectly.

Step 4: Image Selection and Final Delivery

After the shoot, you’ll receive a gallery of proofs to choose from. Once your selections are made, we will professionally retouch the images, ensuring they meet the highest standards. Final images will be delivered promptly, ready for use across all intended platforms.